Python program coding that does all the following steps:
A clothing store calculates discounts on sale items a function of the number of days displayed "on the rack" (before selling) and the item's price.
1. To calculate the discount for items displayed on the rack for 10 days or fewer, compute 10% of the selling price.
2. To calculate the discount for items displayed on the rack for 11 to 15 days, compute the number of days on the rack divided by 100 multiplied by the selling price.
3. To calculate the discount for items displayed on the rack for 16 or more days, compute the number of days on the rack + 5, divide that sum by 100, and multiply that result by the selling price.
Create a function called calculate_discount() function to calculate and return the discount for each item. Write code that calls your calculate_discount() function and then prints each item, its discount, and its discounted price in neatly formatted columns.
Use the starter code:
items = ['Shirt', 'Sweater', 'Pants', 'Jacket']
prices = [15.25, 35.00, 28.00, 43.00]
days = [5, 18, 22, 19]