
Create a free account on httpopenweathermaporgnbspand get

Create a weather search application using openweathermap.org. To do this, perform the following:

  1. Create a free account on https://openweathermap.org and get an API key
  2. Use the following URL and substitute the appropriate city and API key to return results:
    1. https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/forecast?q=CITYNNAME,us&mode=xml&appid=YOURAPIKEY
  3. Create a single page application that allows the user to input a city name and use services to call the above URL to retrieve a five day forecast.
  4. Display the result in a table view
  5. Save your search results so that the application displays them in the table view the next time the application begins.

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Basic Computer Science: Create a free account on httpopenweathermaporgnbspand get
Reference No:- TGS01543562

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