Question 1 : Modern artists rejected what era:
The Age of Enlightenment
The Neoclassical Age
The Gilded Age
The Impressionist Age
Question 2 : 1. Whose Nude Descending a Staircase, No. 2 was the most controversial work at the Armory Show of 1913?
George Luks
Marcel Duchamp
Marsden Hartley
John Sloan
Question 3 : The Ashcan art movement celebrated the sophistication and refinement of the Gilded Age.
Question 4 : What was the ready -made object call "Fountain" by artist Marcel Duchamp (R. Mutt)?
Question 5 : In your own words, write a minimum of three sentences describing the philosophy and style of the Ashcan School.
Question 6 : Alfred Stieglitz ran an American gallery from 1905-1917 called ___________. He dedicated this exhibition space to showing avant-garde artists such as John Marin and Arthur Dove.
Question 7 : Who was not in the Stieglitz circle of artists?
Arthur Dove
Marsden Hartley
Joseph Stella
Georgia O'Keeffe
Question 8 : Alfred Stieglitz felt that art should be broadly appreciated and not just for ‘enlightened' buyers.
• In your own words, create a formal analysis of the painting by George Bellows entitled Both Members of this Club, 1909. Write the title, artist, and date that the artwork was created. Next, imagine that you are writing a letter to a friend who has never seen the painting. Describe the painting in detail. Be sure to analyze the lines, colors, textures, space, and shapes you see in the painting. Finally, write an interpretation of the painting--in other words, explains what the painting says or communicates to you. What function, purpose or idea does the painting represent? Your analysis should be no less than two well developed paragraphs. You can see an example of this method of analysis at Goya Analysis.
The artist _____________________ made paintings that were rejected from the National Academy exhibition. He went on to teach artists to paint with intensity and emotion, and capture the ‘spirit' of the people and cities of their urban world.