
Create a folder

Last lab also for tommorrow. 

Lab Exercise 7.3 Instructions:  Follow these instructions exactly and in the order listed.

  1. Create a folder with YourLastNameFirstInitialLE73.
  2. Inside of that folder create 3 more folders:  In DrJava create a project folder (Creating Projects in DrJava.pdf )  asYourLastNameFirstInitialLE73.     
    1. classes
    2. src
    3. proTeams (this folder stores the Football class and can be within the src folder)
  3. Add the folders to the project (see link in #3 above).
  4. Add a new file to the proTeams folder and call it Football (see link in #3 above).
  5. In the program with the main(), import the Football class.  The import statement will look like this: importnameOfFolder.NameOfProgram;
  6. In the Football program
    1. code a package statement as the very first line:package nameOfFolder;
    2. code 2 fields (class level variables):  one to store the city and the other the team's name;
    3. code 2 overloaded constructors: onethat is parameterless with an empty method body, and the other that will accept 2 arguments through its parameter list.  Use the parameter variables to populate the 2 fields (global variables) with the same name;
    4. code individual set methods that prompt the user for the city and the team's name;
    5. code individual get methods that return each set method's variable.
  7. In the main()
  8. code a Football object using the empty constructor;
  9. use the object to call the methods from the Football class in the proper sequence to produce what is shown in the sample output;
  10. code another Football object by sending to it the team name and the city (look at which constructor you'll be using);
  11. follow the spacing and line advances in the attached sample output.
  12. Don't forget to end the main() with an exit statement.

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JAVA Programming: Create a folder
Reference No:- TGS01182806

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