
Create a first draft of the initial sections of your action

Action Research Project Proposal


Instructions: This is a three-part assignment, in which you develop a proposal for a viable action research project. The purpose of the proposal is to engage and inform potential funders of the project, as well as other key stakeholder groups invested in social change initiatives.

The proposal should clearly and succinctly describe all aspects of your proposed project, clearly explaining what you will do and why. Please note that you are not required to implement the project as part of the SOC-481 coursework.

In PART 1 of the assignment, you will develop the initial sections of an action research proposal.

In PART 2, you will build upon and revise the initial sections of the proposal (as needed), adding the last sections of the proposal and completing a final draft of the proposal.

In PART 3, you will develop a PowerPoint presentation, to include an overview of your proposed project, as well as a completed SWOT Analysis which could potentially be used to guide further development of the proposed project.



Create a first draft of the initial sections of your action research project proposal. This section of the proposal should be approximately 1,000-1,500 words, and include the following:

1. Title of the proposed action research project

Homeless Veterans and How Mental Illnesses Contribute to this Growing Problem

2. Introduction (150-250 words)

- Homelessness

- Gender

- Location and Migration

Briefly summarize the scope and nature of the proposed research project.

Orient the reader to proposal purpose and structure.

3. Description of a Social Problem in Need of Change (500-700 words)

Research Problem: Craft a succinct description of a concern/issue, a problem in need of a solution, or an unknown area to be explored through the proposed project. Be sure to identify a local context (e.g., neighborhood or community) where the project could potentially be developed and implemented.

Literature Review and Justification to Study the Research Problem: Summarize evidence from the scholarly literature, indicating why this is a problem in need of a solution, or why it is an area where additional research and learning is needed.

Be sure to include information of relevance to understanding the broader social area to be addressed (e.g., poverty, gender discrimination) as well as the local neighborhood or community where the project would potentially be implemented (e.g. a specific distressed neighborhood or community).

You may also wish to include a brief review of previous community-based projects focusing on your topic and/or community of interest, noting how your proposed project could potentially build upon and/or strengthen earlier efforts to advance social change.

Gaps in the Evidence: Based on the evidence you have reviewed, summarize what is missing or what additional information is needed to better understand or change the social problem within the local context you have identified.

Relevance of an Action Research Project: Explain how a community-based action research project could be a strategically important approach to better understand and address the issue you have identified. Briefly describe why and how your proposed action research project could potentially make a positive contribution, and who might potentially benefit from investigative processes and outcomes.

4. Vision of Desired Change or Improved Conditions (150-250 words)

Envisioning Success:Articulate a vision of what you hope to learn and how this proposed action research project could potentially bring about a desired change or improved conditions.

Project Aims: Articulate how this proposed project can help you achieve your vision of change. Describe what you hope to do, the intention of the project, and your aspirations for the project in terms of action, individual and/or organizational learning, community development, or community change.

5. Project Objectives (150-250 words)

Articulate Concrete Project Objectives: Describe the steps you will take to achieve your vision of change and project aims.Be sure objectives are SMART: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely, as well as consistent with the purpose and scope of a community-based action research project.

6. Reference List

Scholarly Sources: Incorporate information and supportive evidence from at least three scholarly sources of direct relevance to your proposed action research project.

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Dissertation: Create a first draft of the initial sections of your action
Reference No:- TGS02457927

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