You will create a dramatic play scenario and assume the perspective of children playing with puppets.
Choose the content, thinking about what is significant or interesting to young children. Include any materials/props you would want to include. Also provide any potential teacher redirection to help keep the students on track with your intended content.
Act out a dramatic play scenario that is at least 3 minutes long using the Sock Puppet application.
Using Sock Puppets, create your own puppet show to answer the above question and share it on YouTube. Sock Puppets (HTML). Sock Puppets lets you create your own lip-synched videos and share them YouTube .
You may add Puppets, props, scenery, and backgrounds and start creating.
Hit the record button and the puppets automatically lip-synch to your voice. Please be advised that YouTube does not allow you to upload a video that surpasses 15 minutes in length. Hit the record button and the puppets automatically lip-synch to your voice.
After creating your video, add a section that explains what areas of development you are addressing (physical, social/emotional, cognitive, language)
Watch at least another video posted by another classmate.