Create a double-spaced two-page report on the impact of

Assignment: Diversity and Discrimination

Create a double-spaced, two-page report on the impact of diversity and discrimination regulations on human resource management policies. Complete the following tasks to create the report:

Task 1: On, conduct online research using the Internet for companies that are known for their ethical business practices. Select three publicly traded companies from this list and gather information about their HR practices related to diversity, discrimination, and people with disabilities.

Task 2: By, based on your analysis of this information, create a list of recommendations that can be implemented to ensure ethical conduct with employees in an organization.

The recommendations must address the following concerns:

  • Does diversity mean that corporations must hire and promote only women and minorities?
  • Do white men fit into a diversity requirement?

Task 3: On, compile the report. It should include the following:

Page 1: A summary of the HR policies related to diversity, discrimination, and people with disabilities in the three companies you chose

Page 2: A list of recommendations to ensure ethical conduct with employees in an organization

All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.

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Dissertation: Create a double-spaced two-page report on the impact of
Reference No:- TGS02312463

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