
Create a document or spreadsheet where you detail for each


For this assignment you get to watch some videos and answer some questions.

You are going to need to make time to go through the videos, as well as make time to figure out how you want to create a spreadsheet or document that documents the following questions as to each project. I will attach a sample Excel worksheet that you can use, and a sample Word document template that you can use - or you can design your own.

The videos of school projects using Mobile Technology in the K-12 classrooms are part of your major projects for this class.

These are great videos housed in what Orange County calls their "Student Technology Showcase." They are all short videos, with a pdf transcript and captioning, that show EXACTLY HOW the teachers in their district are utilizing mobile technology. This should give you some ideas!

Remember, any movable device in the classroom is mobile technology!

** SOME OF THE VIDEOS MAY NOT PLAY ALL THE WAY THROUGH. PLEASE USE THE TRANSCRIPT TO COMPLETE ANY VIDEOS THAT DON'T PLAY.** It seems video no. 3, "I have iPad, I create" only works for a short time. Fortunately there is a transcript for each video.
Your assignment is to

A) Watch all of these short videos

B) Create a document or spreadsheet where you detail for each video:

1) The name of the project, including the grade

2) The devices used

3) The programs or apps used

4) The main point of the lesson

5) A brief description of the lesson

6) Whether any kind of assessment was indicated or what you think the assessment might be. (This includes if the answer is no, there is no assessment, you imagining a way to assess the students' work and stating what that might be.)

7) Any ideas the video gave you for teaching and learning (This question needs some kind of answer - not just "no")

8) Any observations you made about any of the topics we have covered in this course (Do you see DOK in action? Differentiated learning? 21st Century Skills? Etc.) (This question requires some kind of answer - not just "no")

9) Using the SAMR model, where this lesson falls as to the four categories - and why! (A most important question. Please answer as fully as you can.)

Attachment:- Video Link.rar

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Dissertation: Create a document or spreadsheet where you detail for each
Reference No:- TGS02265984

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