
Create a dialog that you would have with patient discussing


Stephen Smith is a 58-year-old male who has type 2 diabetes mellitus, (diagnosed 5 years ago) hypertension, and hyperlipidemia .His body weight is 115 kg. His blood pressure today is 188/92 mm Hg. His blood glucose, HgA1C (which shows how his sugar is controlled) and cholesterol levels are very high! He is currently prescribed metformin 500 mg bid and alogliptin daily "which he takes sometimes" but he knows nothing about how these medications work and don't feel he needs them. He was also prescribed regular insulin on a sliding scale before meals but stopped taking it 5 months ago because his stomach was getting sore from the injections and he felt "just fine" without it. When he was asked about his diabetes, he doesn't understand what it is or what the fuss is all about. He has not spoken in-depth about his disease with a healthcare professional for several years, and he does not see a physician on a regular basis. He is diagnosed as having uncontrolled diabetes type II.

You are Mr. Smith's nurse, and you recognize there are many areas where patient education is needed. Identify one of these areas where Mr. Smith needs education. Then:

a) Create a dialog that you would have with the patient discussing his drug therapy. Choose one medication in the case study (Metformin). Include in your teaching how the medication works and any other important teaching points?

b) Begin your plan with-"Mr. Smith, I am _____(your name) _______(title) I have noticed that you are prescribed__________and I would like to talk to you about it.

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Other Subject: Create a dialog that you would have with patient discussing
Reference No:- TGS03265309

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