
Create a derived class boatplane that inherits from boat

Note: Please, You need BoatPlane.cpp. In one file. Earlier Answer is wrong.

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Given two classes: Plane and Boat that share common methods (add,remove) of adding and removing passengers, and the following characteristics that are distinct to each object:

each has their own method to steer; Bank, Tack

each has their own medium used for travel: Air, Sea

each with their own method to accelerate: jetThrust, setSails

each with their own method to brake: wingFlap, furlSails

each has their own sense of direction:

Plane: Nose, Tail, Left, Right

Boat: Bow, Stern, Port, Starboard

Create an abstract class Vehicle that has the methods common to all classes.

Create a derived class Boat that inherits from Vehicle and has the appropriate fields and functions.

Create a derived class BoatPlane that inherits from Boat that adds the appropriate fields and overloads the appropriate functions. A BoatPlane should be able to distinguish whether it is traveling as a Plane or a Boat.

The test of your BoatPlane class should invoke the functions to accelerate, steer, brake, and stop.

Each function should simply print out a label of which method is being used: for example when you have a Boat object, accelerate() should print "setSails". When you have a PlaneBoat object accelerate() should print "jetThrust".

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C/C++ Programming: Create a derived class boatplane that inherits from boat
Reference No:- TGS02877778

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