
Create a department newsletter for staff nurses


Create a department newsletter for staff nurses.

Complete a service activity that “gives back” to your clinical site.

Review clinical and/or leadership topics

Topic: Based on your department’s population, select a topic that you could provide education and information to the staff nurses and other staff.  These topics could be clinically based (top admitting dx) or address a social/interpersonal topic (lateral/horizontal violence, delegation).

Please request to meet with your department’s staff educator or CNS to ask for topic suggestions/department needs. Discuss your ideas with your clinical instructor.

You must base your newsletter off an evidence based article (that is most recent, atleast within 5 years) AND credible website.

Depending on if you select a research study or a journal article: share the topic, background, people studied, nursing interventions, risk factors, future research, etc. (See rubric)

Length:  1 page min.





• With approval from the educator—-Post copies in the department lounge, break-room.
• Inquire about emailing it to the nursing staff.

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Other Subject: Create a department newsletter for staff nurses
Reference No:- TGS01613414

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