Create a database in SQLite using the following create statements
a. Create table system_information (Machine_Name text, Kernel_version text, Product_type text, product_version text, Registered_organization text, registered_owner text, system_root text, processors text, physical_memory text);
b. Create table software_installed (Machine_Name text, software_Installed text);
c. Create table process_list (Machine_Name text, process_name text, pid text);
2. Execute the program psinfo.exe with the following arguments and store the output from each execution in the databases created above.
a. Psinfo.exe -S
b. Pslist
3. Store the information from the psinfo run in the system_information and software_installed table.
4. Store the information from pslist in the process_list table
5. After all 3 database tables have been created and populated then read each table and output the information to a CSV file in the same directory, the files can be named what ever you want them to be but must have the extension of CSV on them.
6. Pass in a variable for the database name to create.