This assignment introduces the Blackjack model, as well as the technique of using CRC cards to develop classes, their responsibilities, and their relationships.
You may choose to perform problem I of this exercise with up to 3 others; if so, please identify the other members of your team in the resulting artifacts.
What to Hand In
For each of the problems, create a document with the requested content. Each document must contain your name, the exercise number, and the course name at the top. Submissions must be clear and to the point, and should be expressed in properly constructed English sentences. Be sure that any references used are properly credited using the University College required citation format.
For this problem, if you used physical cards, you may submit clear, legible pictures of the cards, rather than re-enter the information in a drawing program.
Diagrams may be provided using any tool of the student's choice. Acceptable formats for the diagrams are standard raster or vector image formats, or PDF.
Canvas submission instructions:
Combine multiple files into a single "zip" archive, and save it in a location that you will remember. When you are ready to submit the assignment, open the assignment you are submitting a soluction for, and attach your file.
1. Create a CRC card model for the Blackjack Game
1. Create a card for each class you identify in the Blackjack Game
2. Add each class's responsibilities
3. Identify any collaborating classes
4. Walk through the scenarios:
- How does a hand start up?
- How does a hand proceed?
- How is a hand settled up?
5. Update your cards to reflect updated understanding of the problem.
2. Describe an insight
1. Provide, in a short paragraph, one insight you gained in using the CRC technique. This part may not be worked with others.