Give a .cpp file that do the following:
Blake's Cookie Madhouse
Create a cookie class called Cookie that holds all the cookie fields (name, base, chips, topping, myFourthCookieOptionChoice ).
Create an empty, a full (set of parameters) and one parameter (name) Cookie constructors.
Create "set" and "get" member functions that set/get the Base (type string), Chips (type string, type int), Topping (type char),
myFourthCookieOptionChoice (type yourChoice).
ex: setBase(string) // takes a string argument as an input
string getBase( ) //returns a string.
The setTopping(char) function should use a switch or if/if-else/else statement for a few preset options.
The getChips() should be two functions getChipsName() and getChipsQuantity() one for each return type.
Create a displayCookie() member function that displays all the cookie fields.
ex: The Cookie("Chunky Monkey", "Peanut Butter", "Chocolate Chips", 20, 'b', 1 ) might display
Chunky Monkey - a Peanut Butter cookie loaded with over 20
Chocolate Chips topped with yummy Bananas (Gooey Level 1/5).
ex: The Cookie("Chocolate Lava", "Mocha", "Chocolate Chips", 50, 'n', 5 ) might display
Chocolate Lava - a Mocha cookie loaded with over 50
Chocolate Chips (Gooey Level 5/5).
Create a BlakesCookieMadHouse (hw5.cpp) that creates four cookie objects of type Cookie() and display each cookie using the displayCookie() member function.
First by constructing a default cookie (name only constructor),
create an emprty default, then change each parameter
a full constructor (all parameters set)
copying a cookie and change half of its values.
Be Creative -ex: create a welcome screen, dress up the cookie descriptions and how they are dispayed
using member function