
Create a contract in international private law use give

Contract in international private law

I. Abstract

II. Introduction

III. Scope of private international law

A. Jurisdiction.

B. Recognition.

C. Choice of law.

IV. The concept of private international law

V. the goals of private international law.

VI. The basis of private international law.

A. Europeanization of private international law.

B. International contract.

C. National legislation.

VII. General problems of private international law

VIII. The significance of basic rights on private international law.

IX. Conclusion


Clarkson, C. & Hill, J. (2011). The conflict of laws. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Kuipers, J. (2012). EU law and private international law: the interrelationship in contractual obligations. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Leiden.

Siehr, K. (1996). The impact of international conventions on national codifications of private international law. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, The Hague, pp 405-413.

Siehr, K. (2005). General problems of private international law in modern codifications. Yearb Private Int Law 7:17-61.

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