
Create a constructor that initializes all int to 0 float to

Please write in C++

Create a class with the name "Student".

private data members of the Student class should include:

int - rollno (roll number or id number of student)

string - name (name of student)

int - alg, datastruct, architect, proglang (hold scores out of 100 for these 4 classes)

float - per (average score of 4 classes above)

char - grade (letter grade based on per.. example 90 is an A)

public member functions of the Student class should include:

getdata() (function to accept data from user

showdata() (function to show data on screen

Create a constructor that initializes all int to 0, float to 0.0, char to ' ', name = "NoName".

Prompt the user for a valid class size.

Prompt the user for student data.

Store students in a vector.

Display student data including students average score and letter grade.

The following is an example:

Enter size of class: 0 Invalid class size Enter size of class: 1 Enter the roll number of student: 45 Enter The Name of student: Trish Duce Enter the grade in Algorithms out of 100: 88 Enter the grade in Data Structures out of 100: 94 Enter the grade in Architecture out of 100: 98 Enter the grade in Programming Languages out of 100: 92 Roll number of student: 45 Name of student: Trish Duce Grade in Algorithms: 88 Grade in Data Structures: 94 Grade in Architecture: 98 Grade in Programming Languages: 92 Percentage of student is: 93 Grade of student is: A
This should be done in C++

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C/C++ Programming: Create a constructor that initializes all int to 0 float to
Reference No:- TGS02894645

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