
Create a computer program that can solve word search

CS 251 Intermediate Programming - Word Search Solver

Program Description

For this project, you will create a computer program that can solve word search puzzles.

Your main class (the one with the main method of the program) should be named "Word- Search". It is possible, though very much not recommended, to write your entire program inside of WordSearch.java. I expect most of you will break up the program into multi- ple classes and may have additional main methods used for testing those classes. This is fine, but make sure the actual main method for us to use to run your program is in the WordSearch.java file.

Command Line Arguments
Your program will take two command line arguments.

1. The first argument is the name of the file containing the words your program may find in the puzzle.
Each word will be on a separate line of the file. Make no assumptions about the order of the words. (That is, we may test your program with a word list that is not alphabetized.)
2. The second argument is the name of the file containing the puzzle itself.
The first line of the file contains two numbers separated by a space. The first number is the number of rows in the puzzle and the second is the number of columns in the puzzle.
The remaining lines in the file are the rows of word search puzzle, with no spaces between the letters.

Program Output
Your program will print all the words from the dictionary found in the puzzle, checking all eight possible directions from each spot. It is possible for words to overlap so if, for example,

the puzzle contains the word "catalog", your solution will also include "cat", "at", and "log", as well as "catalog", assuming those words are all in the word list file.
Each line of output will consist of a word found in the puzzle, the row and column where the word started, and the direction from that starting position where the word continues, each separated by spaces.

- When specifying row numbers, the top row of the puzzle is row 0 with row numbers increasing as you move down.
- When specifying columns, the leftmost column is column 0 with column numbers increasing as you move right.
- When specifying directions, we'll use compass directions, so N is up, E is to the right, SW is diagonally down and left, etc.

It is possible that the same word may appear multiple times in the puzzle and, indeed, may even appear twice starting from the same position, so order the lines of output as follows:
- If the words differ, output them in lexicographic order. (That is, just use the natural comparison from the String class to order them.)
- If the words are the same, compare the row numbers and output the line with lower number first.
- If words and row numbers are the same, compare the column numbers and output the line with the lower number first.
- If word, row, and column are the same, compare the direction and order them according to the following: N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW
These puzzles have very large expected output which would be infeasible to verify man- ually when grading, so your output must match the sample output exactly, including order of the output lines, whitespace, capitalization, etc.

Testing Your Program
I am providing you with several word list files and several puzzle files along with their expected output for testing. The graders will test your code with some of these files as well as some unknown test files.

As I said before, the output for all but the smallest of puzzles is to much to verify by eye, so you should output redirection to capture your programs standard output in a file and then use a utility like diff to compare it with the expected output. (Alternatively, you can use the M-x diff command in emacs to compare them, or some other text comparison program.)

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JAVA Programming: Create a computer program that can solve word search
Reference No:- TGS02382899

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