
Create a comprehensive project proposal

High Fructose Corn Syrup and Fruit Fructose link to Weight Gain and Obesity

Paper instructions:

Create a comprehensive project proposal for the project your team has chosen. You will write this project proposal as if IFSH is the granting body. This means you will need to convince me as the IFSH representative why you feel IFSH should fund your project. This will also affect your “impact and benefits to stakeholders” as IFSH will be the primary stakeholder, with the Department of Food Science and Nutrition and IIT being secondary stakeholders.

Your project proposal must include each of the sections outlined below. Including each section is critical, as failing to include a section will result in your proposal being dismissed (aka your grade dropping terribly.) Refer to the lecture for more information on what should be included in each of the sections.

1. Descriptive title

2. Project team and expertise (This section is about your team members. Include all relevant experience they have that will aid with the proposed project.)

3. Project objectives (This section should be a bullet point list.)

4. Current status of the literature and prior art (This is your literature review section. Note that in the Project Proposal gap identification does NOT occur in this section.)

5. Rationale and hypothesis (THIS is where you identify the gaps in the literature and justify your choice of project. You also share what your hypothesis is.)

6. Proposed research (This is your methodology section. Describe how you will do the research. Note that this does not have to be as specific as in a paper about results because you haven’t done the research yet, but it needs to include relevant information that might lead to you getting the grant money over someone else–for example, you have access to a rare piece of equipment that gives you an advantage.)

7. Expected outcomes, impact and benefits to stakeholders (These should be specific, NOT something general like “This will help to increase the health of people all over the world.”)

8. Milestones and timelines (This will be a rough estimate, but do your best to determine project milestones and time frames. A Gannt chart is not required, but may help you to estimate times.)

9. Resources and budget (Again, do your best to estimate. Pretend you will have access to IFSH resources to complete the project.)

10. References (Citations and references for this assignment must follow the APA 6th format as for previous assignments.)

This assignment will be returned so that comments may be used in completing the full project proposal which is due November 21. A rubric will be available soo to help you understand grading.

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Reference No:- TGS01436662

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