
Create a complex vector illustration of your own drawing an

create a complex vector illustration of your own, drawing an object or group of objects designed with a background in Adobe Illustrator. Or, you may draw a portrait or scene. You may use any Illustrator tools but pay attention to effective line (stroke), fill (color palette), and contour to indicate form, depth, 3-dimensionality, and texture. You may either "trace" or replicate a photographic image for this assignment or draw an image from your imagination (you are also free to use one of your Practice exercises as a starting point). The crucial point is to use color and gradients with varied line width to give your illustration a sense of depth and perspective, and to place it in a setting. Manipulate the illustration using the pen tool, brushes, pencil, shapes, and paths but go beyond a simple contour line drawing to create pattern, depth, value, and texture with fills, strokes, brushes patterns and/or gradient. (You might for instance use a stylized technique like "hatching," stipilism, varied line width, or other traditional pen and ink techniques by adapting your tools in Illustrator.) Also consider basic drawing strategies such as linear perspective, shadow, and reflection.

*The example is in the attachment

*A written component is required with this assignment--a description telling me how the image was created and why you chose to go in the direction and with the style you did. Explain the process undertaken to come up with your initial idea, how it evolved over the execution, what challenges you faced, and how you think the final design appropriately reflects the subject you chose to depict. You may if you wish also include here general summary of what you've learned using Illustrator

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Computer Graphics: Create a complex vector illustration of your own drawing an
Reference No:- TGS01010777

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