INDIVIDUAL Operating Systems Comparison
Select two Operating Systems from the list below:
- Windows® 8.1/10
- Linux®
- Mac® OS
- AndroidTM vs. iOS®
Create a comparison table that lists and compares the features and functions of Operating Systems. You should have at least 8 points of comparison in your table.
Complete the following steps for each Operating System you chose above. You may use Lucidchart or another diagramming software to complete the diagrams.
- Create an Operating System Process diagram for each Operating System (showing major components of each OS). You should have two process diagrams after completing this step. Create a reference log that identifies the resources and/or references you used in creating the diagram.
- Create an Operating System Memory diagram for each Operating System (showing how memory is organized/viewed for each OS). You should have two memory diagrams after completing this step. Create a reference log that identifies the resources and/or references you used in creating the diagram.