Create a community in which ideas can be shared


The Discussion Posts in the course are designed to create a community in which ideas can be shared in the class and to provide a way -- in an online class -- to learn from each other about the history and its ongoing impact on our lives. During the discussions, another goal is to bring into view various perspectives and interpretations, using the historical evidence in the assigned reading. With that in mind, it is fine to disagree with someone else's interpretation, but we need to do so in a respectful way (and part of your grade will be based on that). The Discussions will also help students to:  keep up with the reading, prepare for the exams, practice writing about history, and examine the impact of the past on present-day issues in terms of both change and continuity. Grading of Discussion posts is based on the requirements in the Syllabus, p. 2 and p. 3 (and see the Syllabus page for this course). I look forward to reading your discussion posts and seeing your ideas as you share with each other.

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