Create a client program that uses all 3 of the classes

Inheritance Programs

Part 1
Number 3 on page 719 which creates a Point class with 2 instance variables; the xCoordinate and yCoordinate. It should have a default constructor and a values constructor. Also include a set method that sets both attributes, a get method for each attribute, and a method that redefines toString() to print the attributes as follows.
point: (x, y)

Part 2
Do number 4 on page 719 which creates a Circle class that extends the Point class above. It adds the radius, circumference, and area instance variables. It should have a default constructor and a values constructor (circumference and area will be 0.0). Include a set method that sets the coordinates and radius attributes, get methods that get each of the 3 new attributes, and a method that redefines toString() to print all attributes. Also, include methods to calculate the circumference and area of the circle. Use pie = 3.141593. Make sure your methods don't repeat the code already written in the Point class.
Circumference = 2pier
Area = pier2

Part 3
Do number 5 on page 719 which creates a Cylinder class that extends the Circle class above. It adds the height, surfaceArea, and volume instance variables. It should have a default constructor and a values constructor (circumference and circleArea will be calculated from the Circle class, surfaceArea and volume will be 0.0). Include a set method for the center point coordinates, radius, height, circumference, and circleArea attributes (circumference and circleArea will be calculated from the Circle class), get methods that get each of the 3 new attributes, and a method that redefines toString() to print all attributes. Also, include methods to calculate the surfaceArea and volume of the cylinder. Make sure your methods don't repeat the code already written in the Circle class.
surfaceArea = 2 * circleArea + circleCircumference * cylinderHeight
volume = circleArea * cylinderHeight
1.In the values constructor and the set method you'll need to call the methods to calculate circumference and area so that they have values to use in calculating the surface area and volume.
2.The methods in the Circle class to calculate circumference and area will need to return those values for use in the Cylinder class.

Part 4
Create a client program that uses all 3 of the classes created above. Make it do the following in this order:
1.Instantiate point1 with the default constructor.
2. Instantiate point2 with the values constructor.
3. Use the Point class print method to print point1 and point2.
4. Call the set method to set the x and y coordinates for point1.
5. Use the get methods to get the attributes for point1 and print them in the client (not with the print method).
6. Instantiate circle1 with the default constructor.
7. Instantiate circle2 with the values constructor.
8. Call the methods to calculate the circumference and area for circle2.
9. Use the Circle class print method to print attributes for circle1 and circle2.
10. Use the set method to set the coordinates and radius for circle1.
11. Call the methods to calculate the circumference and area for circle1.
12. Use the get methods to get the attributes for circle1 and print them in the client (not with the print method).
13. Instantiate cylinder1 with the default constructor.
14. Instantiate cylinder2 with the values constructor.
15. Call the methods to calculate the surfaceArea and volume for cylinder2.
16. Use the Cylinder class print method to print the attributes for cylinder1 and cylinder2
17. Call the set method to set the attributes for cylinder1.
18. Call the methods to calculate the surfaceArea and volume for cylinder1.
19.Use the get methods to get the attributes for cylinder1 and print them in the client (not with the print method).

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JAVA Programming: Create a client program that uses all 3 of the classes
Reference No:- TGS02383197

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