Create a class website at education

Assignment task:

Create a three-day unit plan on a content area, topic, and grade level of your choice. To present this unit plan, you will create a class website at education dot weebly. Use your school as SUNY Empire and create a website. Use a subdomain of Weebly and name it something that includes your first and last name.

We are aware now that Weebly no longer offer a free educators version. Please use Google Sites to create this project, the only thing that is changing is the platform you create the site on everything stays the same.

Google Sites

This three-day unit plan must utilize at least three different technologies, including two that you have not used in previous assignments/discussions in this course. Weebly does not count as one of your three technologies. This final project includes:

1. A proposal for the content area, grade level and topic (submitted in module 6)

2. A lesson plan for each day that includes:

  • goals/objectives
  • content standards addressed
  • essential questions
  • prior knowledge needed
  • performance tasks/activities
  • assessments
  • any differentiation required to meet the needs of students with accommodations

3. A 1-2 page lesson plan rationale that also includes justification for the technology used, as well as how the unit plan works to meet the needs of students who may have accessibility issues. This rationale should include citations to primary literature (academic journal articles, books) with a reference listMrs. Wilinski's Class Lesson on Embracing Technology (access to other lessons is included on the page)

4. Kathy Salvidar's Teaching Portfolio, Bucket Filler Lesson Plan

5. Teaching, Learning, Laughing, TPACK Lesson Plan

6. BeeBotYear1 Lesson Plan

7. Claudia Curriculum Integration, 12th Grade Calculus 1: The Constant and Power Rules for Derivatives

8. Making Connections Lesson Plan

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Reference No:- TGS03378473

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