You need help with this for python: Create a class Rectangle with double attributes length and width.
The default constructor should set these attributes to 1.
Provide methods that calculate the rectangle's perimeter and area, as well as accessors/getters and mutators/setters for both data fields.
The mutator methods for length and width should verify that the number being passed in is larger than 0.0 and less than 20.0 -- if it doesn't fit those criteria, the value of the field should not be changed.
Additionally implement two methods called makeCopy() and fromRectangle(). - makeCopy() is class method: takes a rectangle as input parameter and return the copy of that rectangle - fromRectangle() is an instance method that takes a rectangle as input and copies the data attributes of rectangle into the calling object.
Write a function called main() in the same file to test your Rectangle class .
It should prompt the user to enter a length and width of a rectangle, and then print out the area and perimeter of the rectangle. (Use the mutators to set the length and width of the rectangle, not the constructor .)