Create a class named Package with data fields for weight in ounces (oz.), shipping method, and shipping cost.
The shipping method is a character: ‘A' for air, ‘T' for truck, or ‘M' for mail.
The package class contains a constructor that requires arguments for weight and shipping method.
The constructor calls a calculateCost() method that determines the shipping cost based on the following table:
Weight (oz.) Air Truck Mail
1 to 8 2.00 1.50 0.50
9 to 16 3.00 2.35 1.50
17 and over 4.50 3.25 2.15
The package class also contains a display() method that displays the values in all four fields. Create a subclass named InsuredPackage that adds an insurance cost to the shipping cost based on the following table:
Shipping cost before insurance Additional cost ($)
0 to 1.00 2.45
1.01 to 3.00 3.95
3.01 and over 5.55
Write an application named UsePackage that instantiates at least three objects of each type (Package and InsuredPackage) using a variety of weights and shipping method codes.
Display the results for each Package and InsuredPackage.
Save the files as,, and