
Create a class hold integers in the range


Q: Create a class named IntegerSet. Each object of the class can hold integers in the range 0 through 100.

A set is represented internally as an array of Booleans. Array element a[i] is true if integer "i" is in the set. Array element a[j] is false if integer "j" is not in the set. The no-argument constructor initializes a set to the so-called "empty set" (i.e., a set whose array representation contains all "false" values).
Provide the folling constructors:

1. A default constructor that initializes a set to the "empty set" in which all Boolean values in the array are set to "false."

2. A second constructor that accepts an IntegerSet object as an argument and creates a new IntegerSet object that is a copy of the original object

Provide the following methods:

1. Method unionOfIntegerSets creates a third set which is the set-theoretic union of the two existing sets (i.e., an element of the third set's array is set to "true" if that element appears in either or both of the existing sets; otherwise, the element of the third set is set to "false).

2. Method intersectionOfIntegerSets creates a third set which is the set-theoretic intersection of the two existing sets i.e., an element of the third set's array is set to false if that element is "false" in either or both of the existing sets; otherwise the element of the third set is set to "true."

3. Method insertElement inserts a new integer "k" into a set (by setting a[k] to "true).

4. Method deleteElement deletes integer "m" (by setting a[m] to "false.

5. Method isEqualTo determines if two sets are equal.

6. Method toString prints all the elements in a set separated by commas.

The second .java file will be called AS7. This is the driver file that tests the above methods. This file must instantiate four IntegerSet objects. The first object is instantiated by calling the default constructor; the second object is instantiated by calling the second constructor. The first two objects are populated by inserting hard coded numbers using Method insertElement. That is, the values that are represented by the index numbers of the elements of the arrays are to be hard coded and added automatically.

The 3rd and 4th IntegerSet objects can be instantiated by calling the second default constructor. IntegerSet objects 3 and 4 are populated by calling Methods unionOfIntegerSets and Method intersectionOfIntegerSets.

Thus for population of all IntegerSet objects no user input is/can be required. Population is to be automatic.

The output

1. must show that the method calls to Class IntegerSet from Class AS7 work and that the respective methods work.

2. should be in the form of a JOptionPane,

3. should show the following text that appears in quotes, and

4. must use Method toString to print the elements in each set.

The output should be as follows:

"The first set is named firstArrayName and was created by calling the default constructor. It is an empty set.
FirstArrayName will represent this set of values: { value1, value2, value3,..., valuen }." (Note: that each value is followed by a "," except the last value).

"The first set is named firstArrayName has been populated and is no longer empty. It was populated using Method insertElement. After population, It represents this set of numbers: { value1, value2, value3, valuen }." (Note: that each number of the array is followed by a "," except the last value).

"The second array set is named secondArrayName and was created by calling the second constructor. It is an empty set.
SecondArrayName will represent this set of values: { value1, value2, value3,..., valuen }." (Again, note: that each value is followed by a "," except the last value).

"The second set is named secondArrayName is has been populated and is no longer empty It was populated using Method insertElement. After population, It represents this set of numbers: { value1, value2, value3,..., valuen }." (Again note: that each number of the array is followed by a "," except the last value).

"The thirdarray set is named thirdArrayName and was created by calling Method unionOfSets on the first two sets. It represents this set of numbers: { value1, value2, value3, valuen }." (Again note: that each number of the array is followed by a "," except the last value).

"The fourth array set is named fourthArrayName and was created by calling Method intersectionOfSets on the first two sets. It represents this set of numbers: { value1, value2, value3, valuen }." (Again note: that each number of the array is followed by a "," except the last value).

"After calling Method deleteElement firstArrayName is again an empty set and all :

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JAVA Programming: Create a class hold integers in the range
Reference No:- TGS01935925

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