
Create a class called grades java file called gradesjava


A teacher has 6 students who have taken 3 tests. The teacher uses the following grading scale to assign a letter grade to a student, based on the average of his or her 3 test scores.

TestScoreRange Letter Grade

90-100 A
80-89 B
70-79 C
60-69 D
0-59 F

Create a class called Grades (java file called Grades.java) with the (exact) following fields and methods (these names and caps exactly):

Filed/Method Description

An array if strings or ArrayList object to hold the 6 students' names
Aan array of six characters to hold the six students' letter grades
An array of doubles to hold each student's Test 1 scores
An array of doubles to hold each student's Test 2 scores
An array of doubles to hold each student's Test 3 scores

Allow the user to enter (in the console) the 6 students' name, test 1 score, test 2 score, ands test 3 scores. The code should validate the score (only between 0 and 100) and ask again for the wrong values until the correct value is entered.

Returns the student names (one student per line)
Returns a student's name, student number given as an argument
Returns a student's test scores, student number given as an argument
Returns a student's test score, student number given as an argument, targeted test given as the second argument
Returns a student's test score average (for the 3 tests), student number given as an argument
Returns a student's letter grades
Returns a student's letter grades, student number given as an argument

GetClassAverage Returns the class average: the average of the 6 students' test score average.

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JAVA Programming: Create a class called grades java file called gradesjava
Reference No:- TGS01670199

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