
Create a class called dateprofile that has the following

Assignment - Computer Dating

Make sure you have read and understood bothmodules AandBthis week, and module 2R

Requirements before submitting this assignment. Hand in only one program, please.

Date Profiles
Class DateProfile
Create a class called DateProfile that has the following private instance members:
gender- achar, the gender of the applicant ('M' or 'F').
searchGender- achar, the gender of desired partner ('M' or 'F'). This is not the gender of the applicant, but of the applicant's requested partner.
romance- anintfrom 1 to 10, indicating the importance of romance to the applicant.
finance- anintfrom 1 to 10, indicating the importance of finance to the applicant.
name- aStringindicating the full name of the applicant.

Each object in the DateProfile class represents an applicant's profile. If the object is ('M', 'F', 7, 4, "Hugh Hefner") then the applicant's name is "Hugh Hefner", he's looking for a date who is Female, with romance being somewhat important (7) and finance being less important (4).

Create public static constants for:

All range limits (likeMIN_ROMANCE,MIN_NAME_LEN, etc.). These are the limits that the mutators test for.

All default values (likeDEFAULT_GEND,DEFAULT_SEARCH_GEND,DEFAULT_NAME). These are used if the default constructor is called or if a parameter-taking constructor is called but a bad value (out-of-range) is detected. However, they are not used directly in the constructors, as we will find that there are helper methods that do the dirty work for the constructors -- see below.

You should supply all of the following member functions of class DateProfile (at a minimum):

AccessorsandMutatorsfor each field (instance member). For example:char getGender()andboolean setGender(char gdr). In addition to individual mutators, create a publicvoid setAll( ... )that takes all five parameters and acts like a mutator, except that it has a void return type, i.e., in this one, you do not have to report bad parameters back to the user, even though you would still filter them out. Also, create a publicvoid setDefaults()that sets all five members to their default values.

Constructorsthat take no parameters (default) and all 5 parameters. To avoid code duplication make sure that the parameter-taking constructor utilizes the above mutators rather than do anything direct assignments or testing.

double fitValue(DateProfile partner), which returns a number from 0.0 (very bad fit) to 1.0 (perfect fit). Thepublic instance method compares the calling object (this) to the object passed as a parameter. This method should call threeprivatemethods determineGenderFit( ... ), determineRomanceFit( ... ) and determineFinanceFit( ... ), that will be used to return intermediate results for each of the three factors. It should compute the final fit value that it returns by returning a 0 if gender is not compatible (regaredless of the other values) and return theaverageof finance and romance values if gender is compatible.

double determineGenderFit(DateProfile partner) Thisprivate instance method returns either a 0 or 1 depending on the gender compatibility of the calling object and the passed parameter object. You have to compare gender compatibility completely: i.e., there must bemutualconsent on this one! It is used by the public fitValue(), not directly by the client main().

double determineRomanceFit(DateProfile partner) Thisprivate instance method returns a number from (but not including) 0.0 to (and including) 1.0 depending on theromancecompatibility of the calling object and the passed parameter object. Theromancenumbers should be highest (1.0) if the two values are equal (both 3, both 5, both 7) and lowest (perhaps a small non-zero value like .1) if their difference is 9. It is used by the public fitValue(), not directly by the client main().

double determineFinanceFit(DateProfile partner) Thisprivate instance method returns a number from (but not including) 0.0 to (and including) 1.0 depending on thefinancecompatibility of the calling object and the passed parameter object. Thefinancenumbers should be highest (1.0) if the two values are equal (both 3, both 5, both 7) and lowest (perhaps a small non-zero value like .1) if their difference is 9. It is used by the public fitValue(), not directly by the client main().

Make sure all mutators, constructors and other methods that affect private data adequately test for illegal values and, if possible, return a bool that reports the results of this test.

DateProfile should be a class distinct from (and not contained within) your main class (which we call Foothill). However, you can and should define it as a non-public class so it can reside in the same file, Foothill.java.

The Client Driver
In addition to main() supply a static method of class Foothill that compares and displays two DateProfileobjects:
static void displayTwoProfiles( DateProfile profile1, DateProfile profile2 ) This method will print the names of the two objects and show the fit value. It's output for a single call will look like this:
Fit between Sarah Somebody and Jane Peabody: 0.395

From your main() inside Foothill, you will instantiate a total of four DateProfile objects, applicant1, ... applicant4 manually from literal values in your program, i.e., do not involve the user with run-time input. Then for each of the four applicants, display the fits with the others - including themselves. Do this by calling displayTwoProfiles() for all possible combinations of the four applicants producing 16 comparison figures. (You will be comparing each applicant to him/herself in each of these four groups. This will serve to check whether the result is correct - it must be either a 1 or a 0 depending on the searchGender they requested, but never a number between (can you see why?)). Here is part of a sample output (with an optional mutator test at the end):

Fit between Sarah Somebody and Sarah Somebody: 1.0
Fit between Sarah Somebody and Steve Nobody: 0.0
Fit between Sarah Somebody and Jane Peabody: 0.395
Fit between Sarah Somebody and Helen Anybody: 0.0

Fit between Steve Nobody and Sarah Somebody: 0.0
Fit between Steve Nobody and Steve Nobody: 0.0
Fit between Steve Nobody and Jane Peabody: 0.0
Fit between Steve Nobody and Helen Anybody: 0.78

Fit between Jane Peabody and Sarah Somebody: 0.395
Fit between Jane Peabody and Steve Nobody: 0.0
Fit between Jane Peabody and Jane Peabody: 1.0
Fit between Jane Peabody and Helen Anybody: 0.0

Fit between Helen Anybody and Sarah Somebody: 0.0
Fit between Helen Anybody and Steve Nobody: 0.78
Fit between Helen Anybody and Jane Peabody: 0.0
Fit between Helen Anybody and Helen Anybody: 0.0

Q rejected as gender


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JAVA Programming: Create a class called dateprofile that has the following
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