
Create a chart depicting your advertising-promotion plan

Submit an outline of your marketing plan to instructor for review and feedback. Be sure to include the following in your plan:

Executive summary.

Company overview.

Objectives or goals, usually according to strategic plan and focus.

Situational analysis.

STP (market/product/customer) analysis.

Marketing strategy.

Financial projections.

Implementation plan.

Evaluation and control metrics.

This is the final portfolio project not due for 3 1/2 more weeks I am just posting this so you have an Idea of what the final will be like for the outline.

Module 8: Portfolio Project
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Portfolio Project (350 Points)

Your final portfolio for the class will be to create a marketing plan for the company of your choice. You will need to select a company that you have not used for your other assignments in the class. Your plan information should address all areas covered in this course for a marketing plan. The "Company Research" page of the Library is a great place to look for company information for this assignment.

Use the marketing plan that is linked below and that is required reading for this module for your final portfolio project as a broad guide. The marketing plan document is essential to business strategy and is a focal point of this introductory class. The essential information of a marketing plan is outlined in this document and will serve as the blueprint for your portfolio project due this week.

Marketing Plan:

Below is the outline to be followed for this assignment:

Ø Executive Summary This provides a busy executive everything he/she needs to know to invest (or not) in your proposal. It captures your key proposal and recommendations/decision factors, and projected outcomes of the plan's recommendations) (1/2 page)

Ø Company Overview. (1/2 -1 page)

Ø Situational analysis (includes a SWOTanalysis; identify at least 2 significant factors for each of the 4 SWOT components. Identify applicable trends that are statistically supported. Competitive analysis: create a comparative chart and discuss key aspects. (1 -2 pages)

Ø Identify objectives or goals; briefly describe your proposal...describe what's new and why. What is the opportunity to be addressed or the problem to be solved? (1/2 - 1 page)

Ø STDP- Segmentation criteria; Targeting- roughly size your target market; Differentiation- how is your product/service different from your competition?; Positioning- what do you want your customer to think of regarding your brand, product, proposed product?)...take an analytical approach to this section. How will marketing research be used to support the planning, implementation, and monitoring process? What research methodologies will be used? Create at least one perceptual map (as applied to differentiation or positioning). ( 2 pages)
Ø Marketing strategy: Explain and support your marketing mix component decisions (4 P's), using academic concepts and academic reference sources. Add a sub-section on ethical and/or legal factors, plus CSR (corporate social responsibility) strategy summary. (1 -2 pages)

Ø Financial projections. Present a summary spreadsheet. For example: years 1,2, and 3 units sold, sales volumes. Estimate marketing expenses for promotions/advertising. What is the projected timeline of the product life cycle's introduction and also growth stage? ( 1 page)

Ø Implementation plan: specific series of tactics and steps that will be taken (primarily focused on distribution, marketing communications, promotion, PR, etc.) . Create a chart depicting your advertising/promotion plan with actions, time frame, media choice, etc. Include a Marketing Technology sub-section: How will marketing technology be used throughout the marketing process: marketing research, communications, promotions, monitoring, etc. (2 pages)

Ø Evaluation and control metrics: How will you monitor progress of outcomes in your plan? How will you define and measure success? Connect these to your objectives and goals. (1/2- 1 page)

Ø Conclusion (1 paragraph)

- 8 - 10 pages in the body of the paper. Estimated page counts are listed above in each section.

- Use APA format! Do not enumerate the sections...use regular APA heading format, and please use plenty of headings and sub-headings.

Develop full paragraphs and full sentences.

- Apply marketing models, theory, terminology, and concepts throughout the plan.

- A minimum of 6 references (in addition to course materials like the textbook or articles). At least 2 of these being peer-reviewed articles. The CSU-Global Library is a good place to search for credible, scholarly sources.

- READ THE PORTFOLIO PROJECT RUBRIC IN DETAIL (in the Module 8 folder). Note that there are additional aspects that need to be addressed, such as applying critical thinking throughout the plan, analytics, use of marketing theory/concepts throughout the plan, etc.

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Marketing Management: Create a chart depicting your advertising-promotion plan
Reference No:- TGS01766152

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