
Create a change management processes

Discuss the below:

Research Problem:

Research seeks to investigate employees' understanding of change and change management within a private sector organization, namely, T. A Saudi Limited Projects Company. This organization, like any other private organizations in Saudi Arabia, has undergone and is currently undergoing a series of significant organizational changes, mainly due to mandates brought about by public sector reform policy. Present trends in change and change management in the kingdom reflect a sense of urgency on the part of the government to revitalize a private sector that is able to sustain continuity and change. However, this means that private sector employees now have to adjust their thinking and practices to respond to the changing needs and expectations imposed on them by their organizations.

When faced with a new change, employees respond to the challenges of the change. It is in through their response to these changes that their understanding of change and change management becomes manifest. This study attempts to discover how employees develop their understanding of the organization, as well as of the changes affecting the organization and themselves as part of the organization.

The research hypothesizes that employees should be given a voice in change and change management processes and practices that affect them both on a personal and professional level.

Research Questions:

The research seeks to answer the following questions:

· How did employees at T. A Saudi Limited Projects Company see change processes and practices within their company?

· How do employees understand change and change management?

· How did employees experience change within their company?

· What role did communication play in the introduction and implementation of change?

· What was the employees' role in implementing change in the company?

Research Methodology

Primary data in this research will be collected through formal and informal interviews with the employees at the T. A Saudi Limited Projects Company. Adopting a qualitative research methodology, the research questions focused on seeking a deeper understanding of the complex issue of change and change management from the employees' viewpoints. Secondary data will be collected by reviewing the literature available in the fields of change management, organizational change and change management processes

Special Instructions :

The questionnaire is supposed to be given to 150 employees at this company. The questionnaire analysis should include:

1. Methodology: 2 pages: Explain the questionnaire, its purpose, the population sample and the type of questions given and how the data was analysed (statistically,thematically etc)

2. Findings: 10 pages: give the most important findings of the study . You can use charts and graphs in this part.

3. Discussion of the findings: 10 pages: the findings should be discussed in an academic way so as to show the validity of the hypothesis.

4. Recommendations: 4 pages

limitations of the research: 2 pages

Summary: 2 pages

"Impact of organizational change on Employees performance -A case study of

T. A Saudi Limited Projects Company"

Dear Employee:

The present survey is purely for research purpose. Respondents' frank and free answers shall go a long way in making this study more objective. All information given by you will be kept confidential and will be used for research. Your cooperation will be highly appreciated. Please give your assessment of these changes in T. A Saudi Limited Projects Company and tick the appropriate answer in terms of Excellent, Above Average, Average, Below Average, and Unsatisfactory.

Q.1 What is your Satisfaction level regarding change in T. A Saudi Limited Projects Company?

Excellent Above average

Average Below average


Q2. Satisfaction level of employees regarding change in safety measures.

Excellent Above average

Average Below average


Q.3 The employees are satisfied with change in the welfare facilities.

Excellent Above average

Average Below average


Q.4 Employees are satisfied with the change in working environment at their work placeExcellent Above average

Average Below average


Q.5 Effective resources are provided to the employees.

Excellent Above average

Average Below average


Q.6 Employees are satisfied with methods of performing the task.

Excellent Above average

Average Below average


Q.7 Employees are satisfied with change in the organizational structure.

Excellent Above average

Average Below average


Q.8 Due to change in the decision-making process employees are satisfied.

Excellent Above average

Average Below average


Q.9 The change plans being properly communicated to the employees.

Yes No

Q.10 The employees are participating in implementing the change.

Excellent Above average

Average Below average


Q.11 Proper training is provided to the employees for implementing the change.

Excellent Above average

Average Below average


Q.12 Employees think that there is improvement in their performance.

Excellent Above average

Average Below average


Q.13 While implementing the change employees provide support to the employers.

Excellent Above average

Average Below average


Q.14 There is improvement in the skills of employees due to organizational change.

Excellent Above average

Average Below average


Q.15 Employees are participating and learning through training provided by the organization.

Excellent Above average

Average Below average


Q.16 The performance of employees is improving due to change in organizational plans and policies.

Excellent Above average

Average Below average


Q.17 Productivity of employees is improving after implementing change.

Excellent Above average

Average Below average


Q.18 Due to organizational change there is improvement in the profitability.

Excellent Above average

Average Below average


Q.19 There is reduction in the cost of production.

Excellent Above average

Average Below average


Q.20 There is reduction in the wastage of material in the organization.

Excellent Above average

Average Below average


Q.21 There is reduction in the absenteeism of employees.

Excellent Above average

Average Below average


Q.22 The industrial relationship between employer and employee become more cordial.

Excellent Above average

Average Below average


Q.23 Management is positively participating in the change process and boosting the morale of the employees.


Above average


Below average


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Other Management: Create a change management processes
Reference No:- TGS01947212

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