
Create a cell array c containing the strings hello goodbye

In one single matlab script file (exercise01.m), implement: Create a variable, A, whose value is the string 'hello':

Create a cell array, C, containing the strings: 'hello' 'goodbye' 'hello' 'hello goodbye' 'goodbye' 'hello' 'goodhellow' 'see you in hell'.

Each index in your cell array should contain one of these strings. Note, y_1 can create an empty cell array by setting it to an empty cell, e.g. C = : and you can add a string to the end of a cell array by e.g. C{end +1}= 'hello':

Write code to count how many times the (exact) string 'hello' occurs in your array.

Now write code to count how many times the word hello occurs in your array. Useful functions: for, find, strcmp, isemp strfind.

Write code to find the most similar string to 'goodfellow' in your array (where similarity is measured the number of letters in common).

Useful function: intersect.

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C/C++ Programming: Create a cell array c containing the strings hello goodbye
Reference No:- TGS02879110

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