
Create a business letter-computer concepts


Computer Concepts and Office Applications -

Write a Business Letter

Write a letter using Microsoft Word asking a local business (real or imagined) to hold an event  or todonate funds for your charity (real or imagined). In the body of the letter ensure you name your charity, what the donation will be used for, the benefits your charity offers to the local community and your contact information. Please read through the remaining directions and information.

• Parts of a Business Letter

• Sample Letters

• Include sender's address, date, inside address (is the address for the person to whom youare sending the letter and is right  befo re the salutation - see the links above), salutation,body of the letter, and signature block.

• Include a bulleted or numbered list of at least three items in the body of the letter. For instance,  this could be for how the donation will be used, benefits of your charity, or ideas foran event.

• Change the font of the signatur e in the signature block of the letter so that it is a different fontthan that used in the rest of the letter.

• Use at least two other font features like font size, bold, or underline in the letter. For instance,you might italicize the signature or contact informat ion, change the  font size of the bulletedlist, underline the phone number, bold the name of the charity, etc.

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Other Subject: Create a business letter-computer concepts
Reference No:- TGS02036102

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