
Create a brief methodology section for research paper - you

This unit's Learning Journal focuses on creating a brief methodology section for your research paper. You can choose between Qualitative or Quantitative methods.

If you choose Quantitative, you will then write a short questionnaire to give to 10 people. At this point, all you need to hand in are your questions. You should aim for a list of 5-10 questions that focus around your thesis area.

If you choose Qualitative, then you will write a paragraph describing what and how you want to observe in order to discover more about your thesis. For example, you can write a proposal for an experiment that includes just observing people at work or school and writing down your observations. Just remember, it has to be focused on your own research paper thesis.

Please note, for either method you choose, you will have to write a small (2-3 paragraph) results section for Unit 5 on for your research paper, so keep this in mind when you choose your method.

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