
Create a bibliography on technology in health care

Create a bibliography on Technology in Health Care

1: Changes and development in technology within the health care sector has had different forms of benefits and negative effect health care provision. Within emergency medicine, technology has played a major role in improving the provision of emergency health care services (Nøhr, 2010). For example, technology has enabled ambulances to be installed with different forms of emergency equipment that enable health care providers to provide health care attention in emergency situation before a patient arrives to the hospital. In addition, better and more effective equipment are being used within the emergency room in order to provide effective and quality services.

In addition, technology has played a major role in improving provision of health care services within the plastic surgery sector. Due to developed technology, doctors are able to understand different forms of factors that ensure patients' safety while undergoing plastic surgery, for example the different reactions and allergies that an individual may have to plastic surgery products (Nøhr, 2010).

Technology has been quite effective in improving quality provision of health care services in different ways.


Laboratory uses health care delivery and health information technology in different way, which improves the efficiency of service provision and consumer satisfaction. Laboratories usually use different forms of technology in providing quality information (Westbrook, 2007). The type of technology laboratories use play a major role in the type of service and outcome they provide. The development of technology has played a major role in improving service provision and quality of their outcomes. In addition, communication has been made effective through improved technology. Laboratoriesusually require privacy in information transfers (Westbrook, 2007). Technology has enabled the transfer o information and outcomes in a private manner, which improves service provisions.

References are shown below:

Nøhr, C. (2010). Information technology in health care: Socio-technical approaches 2010 : from safe systems to patient safety. Amsterdam: IOS Press.

Westbrook, J. (2007). Information technology in health care 2007: Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on information technology in health care : socio-technical approaches. Amsterdam: IOS Press.

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