Create a basic home page for SafeHome Security Home using page structure and text formatting tags. The Web page needs to follow these requirements:
- &νβσπ;Pay attention to the proper sections and page structures (also known as the Document Object Model) that are outlined in your book.
- &νβσπ;The proper code structures for a valid XHTML document should be in place, including and tags.
- &νβσπ;Your code should be properly indented and formatted.
- &νβσπ;Please include at least one instance of each of the following: span tag, bold text, italic text, and paragraph tag.
- &νβσπ;Your code should be documented with comments.
When complete, submit your file in the assignment area.
Grading Rubric
Analyze page structure in relation to layout display by creating a wireframe diagram.
Create a Web page that properly uses advanced text formatting tags and attributes, including blockquote and text alignment.
Create a Web page that creates proficiently skilled visual hierarchies on the page using advanced page and text formatting techniques.
Create a Web page that uses layout effectively to support usability objectives.
Apply HTML and XHTML techniques correctly.
Create a basic Web page that uses proper sections and page structures.
Develop and code a complete, error-free HTML or XHTML document.
Create a basic Web page with the code indented and formatted according to industry best practices for Web development.