
Create a 7- to 10-slide microsoft powerpoint presentation


Log of the items you would throw away in the following Categories: Paper and paper board Yard waste Food waste Plastics Metals Rubber, latex, and textiles G lass Wood Other

Create a 7- to 10-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation in which you analyze your waste production. Include the following components in your presentation:

How much of this waste could have been avoided by: reducing reliance on disposable materials, reusing some of these materials, and recycling some of the materials?

Does anyone compost food and yard waste? How much of a difference would this make?

Has anyone considered changing their habits now that you have kept track of what you are throwing out?

Format your presentation consistent to APA guidelines.

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Dissertation: Create a 7- to 10-slide microsoft powerpoint presentation
Reference No:- TGS02531185

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