You are an electronics design engineer. You have been asked by your manager, Dave, to analyse single stage and two stage amplifier circuits and to document your findings in a technical report
Part 1
Using simulation software (Multisim), build the Class A audio amplifier circuit, with an input ( 1mV (p-p) 12kHz.
a) Measure the voltage gain of the amplifier with 8ohm load
b) Measure the voltage gain of the amplifier without a load
c) Calculate the input impedance.
d) Measure is the input impedance.
Part 2
Using simulation software (Multisim), build a 2 stage Class A amplifier circuit using the amplifier circuit from Part 1 and adding a second transistor amplifier connecting the output of the first amplifier circuit to the input of the second amplifier circuit.
a) Measure the voltage gain of the amplifier.
b) Measure the power gain of the circuit.
Part 1
Create a table showing the load/ non-load output values of the single stage and compare them with the two stage amplifier output values.
Which amplifier gives the most power output into a Bohm (speaker) load?
Part 2
Explain why the amplifier you chose in part 1 is the best for driving a speaker of 8ohms. Opportunity for Merit
Research Single and Two-Stage Class A and class B amplifiers. and include and explanation about which type amplifier is the most efficient.
Opportunity for Merit
Create a MS PowerPoint presentation about single and two-stage amplifiers and present it to the group (5 minutes).
For this task, you have been tasked with the design of a simple Class A amplifier which will provide a 1kHz sine wave signal to the following specification:
a) Show your design with all calculations for R1, R2. C1, C2, RC. RE.
b) Using simulation software (Multisim), evaluate your design against the specification required. You are required to tabulate the results obtained and provide annotated record of the input and output waveforms.
a) From the circuit designed and simulated in TASK 3 above. build the actual designed circuit and using lab instruments. confirm the design conforms to the original specifications,
b) Demonstrate your circuit to the lecturer.
c) Discuss your findings, highlighting any differences found between your theoretical design (simulated) and physical (actual) design produced
Opportunity for Distinction
Discuss how the circuit for TASK 4 can be extended to show how the design can be altered to increase the ac signal gain by a factor of 2 at a frequency of 10kHz.