
Create a website consisting of many pages organized in

This project will serve as a final project that is designed to allow you to demonstrate all you have learned in this course. It will feature much of the work you've done throughout the semester, providing you an opportunity to make corrections and improvements, as well as providing new functionality. The work on this project will be completed in cooperation with others. This is a group project with each group consisting of two to five students from the CS 110 course in which you are enrolled. A single solution to the project will be submitted for the whole group with grades being assigned as described below.

Your group will create a website consisting of many pages organized in groups of pages linked off of the main page. The website hierarchy and key page names are as follows:

Main.html Website's beginning page

o Calculators.html Provides access to the calculator pages

  • SevenButtonCalculator.html The math functions page
  • TempCon.html The temperature conversion page
  • MakeChange.html The change-making page
  • SquareRoot.html The square root calculator page
  • ExtremeWeather.html An extreme weather calculator page
  • RomanNum.html (Optional) A Roman numeral conversion page

o Games.html Provides access to the game pages

  • Dice.html The dice rolling page
  • DotRace.html The dot race page
  • RPS.html The rock-paper-scissors game page
  • StateCaps.html The state capital game page
  • Slots.html (Optional) The slot machine page
  • TTT.html (Optional) The tic-tac-toe game page
  • 2DMatch.html (Optional) The 2D matching game page
  • Hangman.html (Optional) The hangman game page

o Photos.html A page that displays photos of the Ball State campus
o CompSociety.html A page that discusses how computers relate to society and ethics

  • CompSocQuiz.html A quiz over the Computers and Society page.

o AboutUs.html Provides access to the personal pages

  • Username.html A page for each group member. "Username" should be
  • Username.html replaced by each group member's BSU username.


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Basic Computer Science: Create a website consisting of many pages organized in
Reference No:- TGS0807539

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