
Craft an essay that describes and discusses why and how

Part 1: definitions

- Supply the correct term or phrase for the following definitions or terms; capitalization counts!
- The vocabulary words are from the lecture overview sheet/slide (see list below); the vocabulary words are NOT provided on the exam
- You are NOT allowed to bring in material to assist you (no dictionaries or electronic devices)

Vocabulary (25 words):

canon, historiography; social constructs, ideology, dominant ideology, snapshot photography, social conventions; "status anxiety," carte-de-visite; albumen print; tintypes, binary opposites, the Other (Edward Said), picturesque, lantern slides; Romanticism, Orientalism, stereoscope, "tourist gaze" (Urry); "Dark Continent", photography as a "tool of naturalization" (Althusser), ethnography, anthropometry; optical empiricism, physiognomy

Part 2: short answer (the gaze)

In two or three sentences, define "the gaze" within photographic theory or visual culture. Then, from the following options below, pick one and spend 2 or 3 paragraphs discussing a particular gaze in relation to the specific context, including the implications of the gaze. Refer to a photograph in your answer that exemplifies your idea(s).
- the tourist gaze with respect to 19th and early 20th C Egypt
- The colonizer's gaze in reference to central and south east Africa in the 19th century
- Dr. Diamond and the medical gaze

Part 3: long answer

For part 3, answer the question as fully as possible. Remember to state your idea, explain it (so that I know that you know what you are talking about), and support your key points by referring to specific image(s) and theorists for evidence. While you don't have to cite your sources for an in-class essay, use scholar's names in the essay to credit their ideas.

How many words for this long answer? Depends on how you write. I'm looking for key ideas that you explain clearly, that evidence (textual and/or visual) has been used to support your ideas. I am evaluating the thoroughness of your answer. I grade the essay knowing that you have about 1 hour to write and that you had time to prepare ahead of time.


Craft an essay that describes and discusses why and how Queen Victoria and Prince Albert adopted a middle class persona as portrayed in their carte de visites below. Refer to your lecture notes, course reading, and any other research necessary to round out your answer.

Consider the following in your answer:
- intended uses (purpose) of the photograph(s)
- intended audience(s) & how images circulated
- interpretation ("reading" the photograph-including the photographic codes and conventions as it pertains to masculinity and femininity)
- what "cultural work" was this photograph intended to accomplish and/or did accomplish Margaret Homan's article:


Part 4: bonus marks hand in with exam (do ahead of time)

option (a) (tasteful) limerick, haiku, ballad, or other form of poetry about something related to the course

option (b) draw a (tasteful) cartoon with a funny art historical caption

option (c) Ernest Hemmingway was challenged to write a six-word story; he wrote: "For sale: baby shoes, never used." Create a 6 word story based on course content

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Other Subject: Craft an essay that describes and discusses why and how
Reference No:- TGS01694214

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