
Craft a 600-800 word paper comparing and contrasting worst

"Best and Worst" Business Communicators Paper


1. Read/view the ALL the following course materials:

"Best Communicators"
the HBR Case Article, "My Employees are My Service Guarantee" 
the Tylenol crisis - how effective PR communication eased a potentially crippling crisis: 
HBR Article
NYT Article

"Worst Communicator"
Tony Hayward's communication on the BP scandal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTdKa9eWNFw
Conduct your own research to find other examples of bad communicators

"Secrets of Great Communicators"
TedTalk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1nYFpuc2Umk. 
Best political communicators: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Csrpq5UgZdE. 

2. Craft a 600-800 word paper comparing and contrasting "worst" vs. "best" communicators, deciding on key points, then using the all sources provided and tying to course concepts from the text. What do you admire most about effective communicators? What are the worst traits in bad communicators?

3. Please use proper citations and references 

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Business Management: Craft a 600-800 word paper comparing and contrasting worst
Reference No:- TGS0987695

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