
Cq high school student basketball tournamentsin recent

CQ High School Student Basketball TournamentsIn recent years, basketball has been become an increasingly popular sport in CQ towns, thanks to government funding support and sponsors from several organizations including CQU, Woolworth, Harvey Norman and BHP. The Chairman of CQ Basketball Youth Association, John Smith, wishes to run multiple ongoing tournaments in the CQ area for high school students.

He encourages every school to form a team and invites each team to participate in the tournament which consists of a number of matches. To keep track of the match results and relevant information, he needs to develop a relational database. In this assignment, your task is to consider the following requirements and design a database conceptual model (E-R model) to support the development of such a database system. Students in each school must join together to form a team for participation of the competition. Each team can have as many as possible students however for each competition only 5 students are arranged as a smaller team to play in the competition. It is obvious that such a database will need to keep track of details on players; the name, address, contact phone, and age of each player must be recorded, in addition to a unique identification number.

The database also stores information about team: the team name, date of founding as well as a description of their symbolic flag. Each team usually has a coach either a principal coach or an assistant coach. Each coach should hold a valid blue card. In addition to their names and contact phones, for the principal coach, the number of years served as a principal coach is recorded while for the assistant coach the sport coaching certificate (issued by the State Sports Committee) level must be recorded. The database keeps track of the title or name of each tournament and city where it is played in. For example, you can imagine "2014 CQU Cup Basketball Tournament" is a candidate title.

Each tournament contains a series of matches. The most important part of the database is to record the result of each match: the date and the tournament at which it is played and two teams in the match. For each match, a unique identification number is allocated and the relevant information such as the start date/time, referee and the stadium is required to store in the database. Each match involves two teams and each team will play in many matches during the tournament. For each team in a given match, it is necessary to record what score the team achieves and the outcome (whether they win, lose or draw).

Each match will take place on a given stadium, with one referee to serve the judging job during the competition process. The name and contact phone of the referee must be recorded. Of course, a referee can serve for many different matches. For each stadium, the name of stadium or sport centre, address, and a description of available facilities are the essential information to store in the database to be developed. Each tournament normally has a few of sponsors to provide their financial support.

It is possible that a sponsor may support multiple tournaments. The amount of their sponsor money for each tournament must be accurately recorded in the database Finally, the system is also required to keep track of the amount of prize money that each team wins at tournaments.
Note: The above specification may not be presented every detail because one of your tasks for this assignment is to do your own analysis and research based on the case study description and the common knowledge. Entity-relationship data model You are required to develop an ER model to represent the information requirements for a database that the CQ Basketball Youth Association will use as described on last page. Your ER model must:

• show all necessary entities, attributes and relationships
• show unique identifiers
• show multi-valued attributes (also called repeating attributes), if any how associative entities, if appropriate
• use the notation described in the set text
• use consistent and appropriate naming for entities and attributes throughout (refer to Chapter 2 & 3 of set text).

Some business rules or other aspects of the case study may not be clear to you when you read the case study. If this is the case, then you should either approach your lecturer or tutor for clarification, or you may simply make an assumption and then develop your ER model accordingly. For example, the case study might not mention all relevant participation information (also called minimum cardinalities). If so, you may make an assumption about what the minimum cardinalities might reasonably be, and then show these in your ER model accordingly. You should justify each assumption in terms of the business, for example: it is assumed that each customer must have at least one order because it is assumed that the business does not record customer details until the customer places an order.

To get yourself started, ask yourself, 'If I were running this business, what things would I need to keep a list of?' Write those things down. For each thing, what information would you need to record about it? You are required to write brief definitions for the entities and attributes in your model. For each entity and attribute in your model, write a sentence to describe the meaning of that entity or attribute. You should refer to the sections Naming and Defining Entity Types pp. 103-104 and Naming and Defining Attributes pp. 109-110 of the set text. For example:

STUDENT: A Student is a person who has enrolled in one or more programs at the university.
This includes Start Uni Now high school students but does not include prospective students.
Student No: Uniquely identifies each student.
Student Name: The full name of the student.
Date of Birth: The student's date of birth.
PROGRAM: A Program is a program of study available at the university.
Program code: Uniquely identifies each program
Program name: The full name of the program.
What you should submit
You should submit a Microsoft Word document containing A copy of your entity-relationship model(s).
• A list of business rules that are apparent from the case study.
• A list of any assumptions that you made (include any clarifications from your tutor) with
• Your entity and attribute definitions.
Your document should contain appropriate identifying information (your student number, name, course

number, etc.) and should be appropriately formatted. For example, your document should contain a very brief introduction stating the purpose of the document, as well as headings for each section.

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Basic Computer Science: Cq high school student basketball tournamentsin recent
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