
Cps 151 drive - prompt for and get the number of miles to


Reference: This assignment is an object oriented version of the In-class assignment. The functionality supported for a single vehicle in ICA 01 would be extended to multiple vehicles using a single class Car, from which multiple instances can be created (as in the last version of the Car simulation example posted on Isidore).

The class Car

This class should have the following instance variables (declared final):

Model Year (such as 2012), Make (such as Ford), Model (such as Taurus), Fuel efficiency (such as 24 miles per gallon), Tank capacity (such as 20 gallons). These variables will be given values by the class constructor and thereafter will not change.

The class will have three more instance variables whose values will change as the car is driven, refueled, accelerated or braked. These are odometer reading (type double, set to 0 by the constructor), fuel level (type double also, set to ¼ of the tank capacity by the constructor), speed (type double, also set to 0 by the constructor).

The class will have the following instance methods:

void display() - This method will display values of all the instance variables within a border, something like

2012 Ford Focus, 24 mpg, Tank cap 20 gal, Odometer 25854.6 mi, Fuel 9.1 gal

void drive(double miles) - this method simulates driving the vehicle. The odometer reading goes up and the fuel

level goes down. However, if there is not enough fuel the car is only driven until the fuel is exhausted and the odometer reading is modified appropriately. In this case a message is given telling the user to refuel. Also, if the fuel level is already 0, this method will tell the user to refuel before trying to drive. This method will tell the user to accelerate first if the speed is 0.

void refuel(double amount) - adds the fuel amount to the tank, but if the user tries to fill the tank more than its capacity then the excess over capacity is spilled and a message is given to the user. Also, this method should just give an error message if the car's speed is > 0.

void accelerate() - increases the speed by 10 mph assuming the car has fuel. If the fuel level is 0 then the speed does not change (stays 0) and the user is told to refuel before trying to accelerate.

void brake() - the speed is reduced by 10 mph, but the speed cannot become negative.

Constructor with 5 construction parameters - The odometer is always set to 0 and the fuel level is set to ¼ of the tank capacity, so the constructor does not need parameters for those instance variables.

The client

This class's name would be the same as the project name in NetBeans for convenience (userid_Asgn01). It will have the "main" function and any other subsidiary functions (methods) that you want. The client program will operate as follows: it will prompt the user for necessary information and create two Car objects. Then it will run a top level menu with 2 choices:

Select car - this choice will ask the user to choose a car and call a method (function) operate(Car c)

Quit the application - obvious

void operate(Car c) - this method will run a menu with the following choices:

drive - prompt for and get the number of miles to drive (allow fraction), invoke the methods c.drive(miles) and c.display()

refuel - prompt for the amount of fuel to be added (allow fraction), invoke the methods c.refuel(amount) and c.display() accelerate brake

Quit driving this car - This choice will terminate the operate method so control will return to the top level menu.

A sample output and some more information will follow.

Attachment:- Code.rar

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Programming Languages: Cps 151 drive - prompt for and get the number of miles to
Reference No:- TGS01726853

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