
Cpccbs6001 - research a variety of construction materials

Technical Information Research

The intention of this assessment is to encourage you to compile a reference file on building materials and construction details which will expand your knowledge base. Guidelines on how to compile a reference file are available on the OLS.

You are required to research a variety of construction materials, products and methods that are commonly used on residential projects in Australia including the following:

- concrete and concrete products
- metals
- masonry
- timber and timber products
Your research should be in-depth and should expand your knowledge in the following areas:
- specific applications of each material
- structural suitability and behaviour
- durability of the materials and how this can be improved for different construction applications
- environmental impact including life cycle analysis
- behaviour in fire
You are required to gather information on each construction material, considering the suitability of its use as part of the building envelope and/or as a structural element.
You will need to researchseveral resources for technical information such as technical publications, texts, industry publications, manufacturer's documentation and Australian Standards to broaden your knowledge.Download and save any useful information as pdf files on your computer as a valuable resource for your personal library.Summarise your findings as required and keep only the most useful information in your reference file.

Notes about presentation:
- This is part of an advanced diploma qualification and the expectation is that you will submit work of a standard appropriate to this academic level
- You should have a title page with your name, student number, the competency name and number, assignment number and the date.
- Pages should be numbered
- Give in-text references where relevant
- Correct bibliography as per guide provided on the OLS
- Legible and clear layout presented in a ‘professional manner' (this may include distinctive headings; logical sequence of ideas and clear explanation of your process/thinking/working out)
- Correct spelling, punctuation and grammar
- Succinct sentences or points that make logical sense
- Text must be IN YOUR OWN WORDS. Use of cut and pasted information unless appropriate citation is given will be treated as plagiarism.
- Marks will be deducted for poor presentation

Task 1
1. For each of the material categories (concrete, metal, masonry, timber), list as many products as you can that are used in construction together with their specific use(s). Present this in a table format.

2. Submit a reference file that lists useful references, indicating briefly the subject matter covered by the reference, for each of the categories previously given. (There are guidelines on the OLS on how to present this reference file)

Task 2
For TWOof the categories, you are to show the depth to which you have researched, by presenting a brief report as follows(note: you are to produce 2 reports. For example you might choose for your reports: concrete (for one) and timber (for the other)):

Take photographs of 3 different ways in which the chosen material can be used in residential (Class 1 and/or 10) construction(e.g. You might take photos of a concrete slab, AAC blocks, andmortar in brickwork, for the concrete: and wall framing, formwork, and bracing panels, for the timber report).

For each of the following items, explain:(you are to address each of these 5 items in each of the two reports, addressing the uses in your photos where appropriate)

- Item 1. How the end product is made or manufactured and how it is installed or used,
Each of concrete for a slab (reinforced concrete), autoclaved aerated concrete, and mortar, are made differently, and used differently; so you would cover each of these in your concrete report.
For the timber products, the formwork and bracing products may have similar manufacturing processes, but they are different from the manufacture of timber for framework. Discuss each in your timber report.
- Item 2. How different strengths of this material/product are obtained during manufacture
You could discuss concrete strength and how it is obtained, in a fair amount of detail, and then talk about how mortar strength is varied, and how strength in AAC is obtained. Since the strength in the products comes mostly from the cement, this is where most of your information will be.
- Item 3. How this material/product fulfils its structural role - what is its structural role? Analyse one of your examples (from your photographs) and explain using diagrams and maths, how it performs the role that it has. Use realistic (if not actual) values. Determine loads, stresses and structural actions.
The structural role of concrete is to be strong in compression - in a slab, steel reinforcement will provide additional structural capacity - you would talk about this. In AAC, what is the structural role? How does it achieve this? And again for mortar??
For the analysis, you might choose mortar in brickwork. You could show how the wall's self-weight has to be supported by the mortar in the bottom course. How much is this load? (work it out) What is the pressure due to this load? And hence find the stress in the mortar. It would be a good thing for you to comment on the value of the stress that you find compared with what strengths you are familiar with in concrete (e.g. concrete used for pad footings is generally 20MPa)
You would do similar for the timber products in the timber report.
- Item 4. What Australian Standards apply to this material/product? What is their relevance?
Be sure to look for standards that might apply to your photographed uses: e.g. there is a standard for concrete, also one for mortar, etc.
- Item 5. Investigate the embodied energy in this material/product and compare with another building material/product.
I think you probably get the idea by now....:)

This assignment is worth 20% of the marks for CPCCBS6001. Your submission will be assessed based on:
- the accuracy of information provided
- the relevance of information provided
- the completeness of information provided (while recognising that you are providing a summary only)

Guidelines for Task #2
As an example of the report, you could choose steel.
You would need to take 3 photos of the use of steel: You might choose
- a steel Universal Beam used in a residential construction where a long open span is required,
- steel tensioned straps used for bracing
- steel reinforcing bars used in the bottom of the ‘ribs' in a waffle slab.

There are many other examples that could be used: cold-formed steel as framing; mesh reinforcement used in concrete slab on ground; steel hollow sections used as posts for a carport; steel hanging brackets for attaching joists or rafters to a ledger board; etc.

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Civil Engineering: Cpccbs6001 - research a variety of construction materials
Reference No:- TGS02484948

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