Cover Letter
Cover Letters are the first thing that HR sees. A cover letter is the tool that gets employers and HR departments to look at the resume. Never send out a resume without a cover letter. HR or hiring managers only spend about 10 seconds reading the letter to determine if they are interested. This is an employer’s market meaning employers have a large field of applicants to choose from. So your cover letter has to catch their eye to get them to read further. A cover letter should have at least three paragraphs. Most important, you must tell them what position you are applying for and where you found the ad or job information. Maybe you found it in the newspaper, on-line or maybe a friend.
Here is how to write a cover letter to get their attention.
Paragraph 1
Grab the reader’s attention and create a “hook”. Get their interest right away and provide them with information that will make you stand out from all the other job applicants applying for that same job. Identify one to two benefits you can provide the employer.
Paragraph 2
Give more details about your qualifications and more info about the benefits you mentioned in Para 1. Stress your accomplishments and achievements rather than job duties and responsibilities. Try to give one important accomplishment. Expand on the specific items you mentioned in your resume that are relevant to this job.
Paragraph 3
You must express your confidence that “you are the perfect fit for the job”. Request action by asking for an appointment.