Question 1: Categorize the sensory receptors. Explain any four properties of the receptors.
Question 2: Explain the origin, course and termination of the pyramidal tracts. Explain the functions of pyramidal tracts. Add a note on Babinski’s sign.
Question 3: Explain the photochemistry of vision.
Question 4: Explain the method of hearing.
Question 5: Write notes on:
a) Short term memory.
b) Myopia.
Question 6: Write notes on:
a) Ataxia.
b) Taste pathway.
Question 7: Explain the composition and functions of bile.
Question 8: Explain stages of the menstrual cycle. Explain their hormonal control.
Question 9: Describe the biosynthesis of thyroid hormones. Add a note on hyperthyroidism.
Question 10: Define the term peristalsis. Explain different kinds of peristalsis and their regulation.
Question 11: Write notes on:
a) Placental hormones.
b) Succuss entericus.
Question 12: Write notes on:
a) Dwarfism.
b) Peptic ulcer.