
Coupled system of partial differential equations - give me

Consider coupled system of partial differential equations which are first order and linear is given below

vtX0 + vrX1 + Xt0 = ψ                          (1)

eXt1 - e2vXr0 = 0                             (2)

Y2Xt2 - e2vXθ0 = 0                             (3)

Y2sin2θXt3 - e2vXΦ0 = 0                      (4)

λtX0 + λrX1 + Xr1 = ψ                          (5)

Y2Xr2 + e Xθ1 = 0                            (6)

Y2sin2θXr3 + eXΦ1 = 0                     (7)

Yt/Y.X0 + Yr/YX1 +Xθ2 = ψ                  (8)  

sin2θXθ3 + XΦ2 = 0                             (9)

Yt/Y.X0 + Yr/YX1 + cotθX2 + XΦ3 = ψ    (10)

Here subscripts denote partial differentiation'

X0, X1, X2, X3, ψ are non-zero function of r, θ, Φ, t.

In this process the equations tiecoupie, anti nuniber of integrability condition& are generated. Which gives General Solution as

X0 = Y2e-2v sinθ(Ct sinΦ - Dt cosΦ) - Y2e-2vIt cosθ + J                                         (11)

XI =  -Y2e-2λ sinθ(Cr sinΦ - Dr cosΦ) - Y2e-2λ Ir cosθ + K                                      (12)

X2 = cosθ [C sinΦ- DcosΦ] + cosθ(a1 sinΦ - a2 cosΦ - a3 sinΦ + a4 cosΦ + Isinθ       (13)

X3 = cscθ [C cosΦ- DsinΦ] + cscθ(a1 cosΦ + a2 sinΦ) - cotθ(a3 cosΦ + a4 sinΦ) + a5     (14)

ψ = YsinθsinΦ [Ye-2vCtt + (2Yt - Yvt)e-2vCt - Ye-2λvrCr]

      - YsinθcosΦ [Ye-2vDtt + (2Yt - Yvt)e-2vDt - Ye-2λvrDr]

      - Ycosθ [Ye-2vItt + (2Yt - Yvt)e-2vIt - Ye-2λvrIr]

      + Jt + vtJ + vrK                                                                                          (15)

where A, C, D, I, J, K, are functions t and r and a1 -a5 are constants. This general solution is subject to the following twelve consistency conditions

YCtr + (Yr - Yvr)Ct + (Yt - Yλt)Cr = 0                                                                  (16)

YDtr + (Yr - Yvr)Dt + (Yt - Yλt)Dr = 0                                                                  (17)

YItr + (Yr - Yvr)It + (Yt - Yλt)Ir = 0                                                                    (18)

Ye-2vCtt + Ye-2λCrr + (2Yt - Yλt - Yvt)e-2vCr + (2Yr - Yλr - Yvr)e-2λCr = 0                (19)

Ye-2vDtt + Ye-2λDrr + (2Yt - Yλt - Yvt)e-2vDt + (2Yr - Yλr - Yvr)e-2λDr = 0                (20)

Ye-2vItt + Ye-2λIrr + (2Yt - Yλt - Yvt)e-2vIt + (2Yr - Yλr - Yvr)e-2λIr = 0                   (21)


Y2e-2vCtt + Y(Yt - Yvt)e-2vCt + Y(Yr - Yvr)e-2λCr + C + a1 = 0                               (22)

Y2e-2vDtt + Y(Yt - Yvt)e-2vDt + Y(Yr - Yvr)e-2λDr + D + a2 = 0                               (23)

Y2e-2vItt + Y(Yt - Yvt)e-2vIt + Y(Yr - Yvr)e-2λIr + I = 0                                          (24)

e-2λKt - e2vJr = 0                                                                                             (25)

-Jt + (Yt/Y - vt)J + (Yr/Y - vr) K = 0                                                                    (26)

-Jt + Kr + (λt - vt)J + (λr - vr) K = 0                                                                    (27)


Give me detailed calculations of equations from 11 to 27 in step by step manner. It means how to obtain equ.11 to 27 in detailed manner.

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Mathematics: Coupled system of partial differential equations - give me
Reference No:- TGS01210182

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