
Counties fitting into each market environment

Answer the following questions using the three types of ''Local Marketing Environments'':

A) Emerging markets have insufficient infrastructure to support full-fledged market systems and marketing activities, little product availability, low incomes and purchasing ability, inexperienced and uneducated consumers, and weak domestic competition. Most typically, tariff and other barriers to foreign products are high as is political instability and risk. Industrial markets show the most promise for development.

B) New growth markets in newly industrialized economies (N I E s) have high income and purchasing levels and their consumers are more savvy. Demand for specific brand has outpaced an emphasis on demand for the generic product categories, and economies of scale become possible as the number of customers increase. As such, greater choice is available. Some trade barriers remain but domestic competition is strong, needing less protection. The infrastructure is sound, with distribution systems lagging slightly, and foreign competitors have a forceful presence. Some political risks linger.

C) Mature markets show less growth but more stability of demand. Trade barriers are generally low while both domestic and foreign competition is fierce, battling for market share in saturated but highly demanding consumer markets. Infrastructure systems are well developed and political risk is low.

Question 1) Provide no less than three (3) examples of counties fitting into each market environment and explain why?

Question 2) For each of the counties selected in response to question (1) discuss the ''cultural'' issues that may exist in each of those countries when marketing Coca-Cola or Hondas.

Question 3) Select a product of your choice and one (1) country of each environment and discuss :

a) Would you introduce the product in that country? If yes, why? If no, why?

b) Would you introduce the product in all three (3) counties selected in 3(a) at the same time or at different times? If at different times select an order of induction. Explain your answer.

Question 4) Do you believe that your selected product in (3) would be advertised the same way in all three (3) environments of countries or differently? Explain your answer.

Question 5) Describe each of the following trade agreements:


Question 6) Why are trade agreements important in global marketing?

Question 7) Why might a successful North American marketer not be the best one to head the company's marketing effort in Latin America? What about in Asia? What kind of person is needed, and how would he or she be trained?

Question 8) What are some items referred to as '' market barriers''? Describe each and how it can affect ''market entry''?

Question 9) How do consumers in the various environments of countries (Mature or Growth or Emerging) and lean about new product features?

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International Economics: Counties fitting into each market environment
Reference No:- TGS01991451

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