
Counter-thesis and counter-argument in this part of the

The Paper should be in APA format and the topic is Sould physician-assisted suicide be legal?
Part One - Thesis
In this part of the paper, the thesis is to be stated clearly and specifically. It should appear no later than the end of the introduction paragraph.

Part Two - Argument
This part of the paper will present the argument for the thesis. The focus should be on identifying the strongest support for the thesis. Then, present that support by constructing an argument. This argument, or set of arguments, will probably employ both deductive and inductive reasoning.

Part Three - Counter-thesis and counter-argument
In this part of the paper, the strongest objection to the thesis is presented along with an argument (probably briefer than the argument in Part Two) for that thesis.

Part Four - Response to counter-thesis
In this part of the paper, you respond to and refute the counter-argument based on evidence discussed in Part Three. This response will draw on the earlier argument in Part Two to show that the original thesis can be defended against this objection.

The paper will be evaluated in terms of the grading rubric. The clearer your presentation of the debate and the more specific you can be in that presentation, the stronger the paper will be.

The Final Paper must be six to eight pages in length. You must use at least four resources, at least one of which must provide support for your thesis and at least one of which must provide support for your counter-thesis. Two of the four required resources must be found in the Ashford Online Library. The Final Paper must be formatted according to APA (6th edition) style, and all resources must be properly cited in text as well as on the reference page. If you would like to refer to APA samples and tutorials, log into the Ashford Writing Center (located in the Learning Resources tab in the left navigation bar). Click on the "APA & Research Guides" tab and review the resources.

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Business Law and Ethics: Counter-thesis and counter-argument in this part of the
Reference No:- TGS0977679

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