
Counter controlled or sentinel controlled

Question 1:

A company pays travel grant of Rs 5000 and children allowance of Rs 3000 per child to all its employees earning above Rs 25,000, whereas other employees get a travelling allowance of Rs 3000 and children allowance of Rs 2500 per child.

By using the conditional statement, write a C++ program to input all needed information for an employee and display total income obtainable. Your program must be accompanied by a pseudocode.

Question 2:

Loops let program statements to be repeated either using counter controlled or sentinel controlled.  Illustrate these two terms.

Question 3:

Illustrate out the use of the Break and Continue statements in a loop.

Question 4:

Write down a C++ program which reads a line of text (in capital letters) terminated by a ‘.’ and counts total number of vowels present.

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C/C++ Programming: Counter controlled or sentinel controlled
Reference No:- TGS09358

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