Task 1. Count the Occurrences of words in a song's lyrics
1. Read the specifications and demonstration
2. State the approach you will use if you get a hard copy of a song's lyrics.
3. Write your steps
4. Your instructor will pair you with a class mate.
5. Compare both approaches to do the task by hand no use of the programming.
6. Refine the approach into steps.
7. How many steps it takes to find the most repeated word in any English song's lyrics.
8. Follow the steps and confirm the approach is correct
9. Screenshot with your phone the process and solution by hand
Task 2 Count the Occurrences of words in a song's lyrics.
1. Write down all the questions that you have to implement the process or steps you and your classmate have
- How would you read a text file?
- How would you break the text file into words?
- How would you eliminate the stop words?
- How would you keep track of the words? etc all possible questions
2. Learn to learn- (Log the contribution to the tasks and references you have used)
- Divide the tasks to investigate how that is done in Java.
- Your task is to search ways to solve your problem
3. Screenshot both list of tasks yours and your partner